Sunday, 25 November 2007
PhotoHunt 85 - Hot
Friday, 9 November 2007
PhotoHunt 83 - Flexible
The minute I sat down at my desk I looked at this wee collection of desk mates, one of whom is a super flexible wee fella, and he became my PhotoHunt picture of the week - what's yours?
PhotoHunt 82 - Classic
I thought this looked like it may have been a classic Banksy, but instead it was a "Peeblitz"!
This is my entry for last week's PhotoHunt", now for this week's entry!
Sunday, 28 October 2007
PhotoHunt 80 - Pink
As I walked home in the evening, the pavement lit up pink. That's it, that's my effort for this week's PhotoHunt.
Go on - make a donation to Breast Cancer research - I did...
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
PhotoHunt 80 - Practical
With that, I went and bought a pair of practical boots, for walking to and from the office.
These are really practical - in fact, they are one of the best pairs of walking shoes I ever owned!
I hope to goodness I'll be able to find something similar, when one day I have to replace them.
That's my (rather late...) take on this week's PhotoHunttheme of "Practical". What was yours?
Monday, 15 October 2007
Blog action day

Nuff said!
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Time for a coat of paint
Saturday, 13 October 2007
PhotoHunt 79 - Smelly

My beloved leaves nothing to chance and has armed himself with heaven knows how many traps and weird concoctions for luring the wee buggers in the traps. I thought he'd succeeded and then I came across these two in the garden!
Phew, at least he saw the funny side of my addition to the garden. I thought they were rather cute, even if their real cousins are rather smelly.
As a child I lived by a harbour from where the fishermen set out each day to catch (harvest?)mussels. I didn't eat them for years, because of the stench when they were left sitting in containers on the harbour. YUK!
My third smelly item is the last thing you would probably ever associate with the word smelly, but although I have the most gorgeous geraniums in my garden and I absolutely love the look of them, I can't stand the smell!
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
A rainy morning in the City of London

Sunday, 7 October 2007
PhotoHunt 78 - Curve
This rather curvy lady, also known as "Reclining woman with cloth", or in her current position as the "Broadgate Venus" is a sculpture made by Fernando Botero, who appears to be Colombia's answer to Henry Moore.
This week I am almost on time with my entry. Now I'm off to have a look at your curves!
Look what I took on my mobile!
I saw this article in one of the London free papers the other day and couldn't believe my eyes. Henry Reichold is a photographer and has a 5 megapixel mobile phone camera which he uses for taking some absolutely amazing and professional looking pictures.
If his standard is achievable with a 5 megapixel mobile phone, then I think I may just have to hurry up my upgrade to my own phone!
The above picture was captured using my Sony Ericsson K810i. Not quite to Mr Reichold's standard, but I thought the colours were pretty good all the same.
PhotoHunt 77 - Original

Sunday, 23 September 2007
PhotoHunt 76 - Paper
Here's a wee snippet of the types of paper I came across during the week.
Junk mail!
McDonald's paper...
Chinese paper men.
I'm sure there was MUCH more, but my week's been rather hectic, so this'll have to do for now.
What's in your This picture shows this week's PAPER junk mail. It is disgusting to think how much PhotoHunt this week?
Saturday, 15 September 2007
PhotoHunt 75 - Plastic
The first thing that sprung to mind, when I saw the theme was plastic bags. Plastic bags are a huge problem to dispose off. According to this article, the average plastic bag takes 400 years to decompose in a landfill site.
Goody two shoes here has already ditched the plastic bags for the weekly shop and has invested in some good solid carriers - sold by the supermarkets. (Yup, they know how to make their money!)
Another disposable is plastic cutlery. MANY times a week I use plastic cutlery for my lunch and dispose of it afterwards. WHAT a waste! I must go out and buy just one set of cutlery to keep in my desk drawer.
I took my beloved to the airport today (booohoooooo - missing him already) and at the airport they had a plastic theme as well. Since the foiled bomb plots of August 2006 you have to carry any toiletries in a see through plastic bag, when carried as hand luggage. The plastic bags are available for free throughout the airport. Hopefully they are made from recyclable materials...
That's the result of my PhotoHunt today. What did you find on yours? I can't wait to see.
Friday, 14 September 2007
Saturday, 8 September 2007
PhotoHunt 74 - Music
Donal Donohoe has just released a new cd called "Ceol's Rann" - and guess who took the cover photo? Yup - you guessed it - yours truly! OH, and I'm credited on the inside cover. Now how cool is that for someone who has never learned how to take pictures, but takes so many that at least some are bound to come out well!

The cd is available on a link to cdbaby from Donal's myspace. I wish I knew how to make the title tune pipe up when you open my blog!
I'm sorry I couldn't produce a larger picture, but I rather liked the cool writing in the top right hand cover and decided to use the actual album cover as my picture.
I can't wait to see what photographic treats you all have in store for me this week. If the few I have seen already are anything to go by, then this week's entries are up to a great standard.
Happy PhotoHunting.
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Thursday, 30 August 2007
PhotoHunt 73 - Dirty
As the owner of this pair... Well, I think he may have taken a slight bit longer to clean up as surely these boots can't be washed with the hose!
PhotoHunt 72 - Happy
Little gems like this in my every day makes me happy to be alive - and happy that I found a picture for the PhotoHunt
PhotoHunt 71 - Two
I ended up with two packs of "one a day" yoghurts...
PhotoHunt 70 - Row
Anyway, I am determined to stay on top of the PhotoHunt themes, hence here is my picture of not just one row, but a whole load of them. The rows were found on a hedgehog memoryfoam pillow, when I went pillow shopping. I thought it looked great, but must admit I bought something slightly more conventional!
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Clever dogs!
A morning on London's South Bank
Over the last ten years or so, the South Bank of the Thames has developed into one of the greatest places in London.