I am having to be a wee bit more creative with this pattern than originally intended, as it appears to be full of mistakes! I am determined to work it out, but in the meantime it serves well for this week's theme in the PhotoHunt... I look forward to seeing your creative input.
Last night as I walked over London Bridge I just had to stop and watch the sky for a minute. It looked like a real summer sky and I think summer may just be on its way. It is a long time since we have seen a tall blue sky with a big happy and warm sun on it. Hopefully the break up in the clouds is a sign of summer weather on its way...
I can't remember how I found it, but I came across the PhotoHunt and couldn't resist partaking. We'll see whether I can keep it up each week. For now, here's my entry for this week.
It doesn't sound right to call it the Tour de France, when it's happening right here in London!
Oh well, I felt obliged to join the other five million people at the Meridian in Greenwich today, seeing as these cyclists have made the effort to come!
I love to walk past the Jamaica Wine House in the morning and see the bread delivered on the doorstep. I have to admit I'm tempted to pinch a wee bite...