Oooh - this is an exciting theme, as it makes me think of SO many things.
The first thing that sprung to mind, when I saw the theme was plastic bags. Plastic bags are a huge problem to dispose off. According to
this article, the average plastic bag takes 400 years to decompose in a landfill site.
Goody two shoes here has already ditched the plastic bags for the weekly shop and has invested in some good solid carriers - sold by the supermarkets. (Yup, they know how to make their money!)

Another disposable is plastic cutlery. MANY times a week I use plastic cutlery for my lunch and dispose of it afterwards. WHAT a waste! I must go out and buy just one set of cutlery to keep in my desk drawer.

Plastic is such a wonderful product. It can be used for making so many different things. On my way home from work I saw one item made of plastic lying by a building site; namely a safety helmet. It is amazing that the same product that is used for throw away cutlery can protect a person's head!

I took my beloved to the airport today (booohoooooo - missing him already) and at the airport they had a plastic theme as well. Since the
foiled bomb plots of August 2006 you have to carry any toiletries in a see through plastic bag, when carried as hand luggage. The plastic bags are available for free throughout the airport. Hopefully they are made from recyclable materials...

Finally there's the ultimate piece of plastic, namely the credit card and all the other store, membership and dividend cards. I remember when I got my very first debit card as one of the first customers in my bank. I thought it was SO cool and hence never got into the habit of using cheques. In fact, I don't think I have ever paid by cheque in a shop, thanks to my flexible friend.
That's the result of my PhotoHunt today. What did you find on yours? I can't wait to see.